As a former prosecuting attorney, Steven Adams has the ability to see both sides of an OVI, DUI, or other criminal case in Ohio or Kentucky—including what it takes to get an acquittal. Learn more about the challenges, evidence, and legal factors involved in your criminal defense.
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How a DUI Conviction Could Impact Your Ability to Get a Job or Go to College in Ohio and KentuckyIf you have been charged with DUI in Ohio or Kentucky, you should know that a conviction can affect your employment or admittance into college.
Clearing the Fog of Ohio Drug LawsAre you familiar with the different marijuana laws in Ohio?
Steven R. Adams Talks DUI Blackjack on 700 WLWDid you hear Attorney Steven R. Adams on Cincinnati Radio 700 WLW? Listen to his radio interview with Bill Cunningham where they discuss DUI Blackjack here.
Defenses Available to Offenders Who Are Charged with Drug Possession in OhioIf you have been charged with drug possession in Ohio, your attorney may be able to use one of several legal defenses to get your case dismissed.
Fighting Charges of Rape or Sexual Assault Charges in KentuckyDefendants can be charged with rape in Kentucky for forceful sex acts, but can also face sexual assault charges if the victim cannot legally give consent.
Why You Should Follow Temporary Protection Orders After Being Accused of Domestic ViolenceIf you have been charged with domestic violence in Ohio, it is vital that you follow the restrictions in a protection order until your criminal case is over.
Why UFC light heavyweight champion Jon Jones should be punching himself for not saying no to the policeUFC light heavyweight champion Jon Jones was recently arrested for a DWI. See why he should be punching himself for not saying no to the police!
Accused of a Crime in Ohio or Kentucky? Talk to Our Criminal Defense Lawyers Before You Make a Mistake!"Criminal Defense and DUI / OVI Attorney Steven Adams details four of the dirty tricks that police use to obtain a conviction, and how you can avoid them."
A 1905 Court Decision Adds Perspective to COVID-19 Stay-At-Home OrdersCincinnati Attorney Steven R. Adams shares A 1905 Court Decision Adds Perspective to COVID-19 Stay-At-Home Orders
A Closer Look At DUI Traffic StopsWere you charged with DUI or OVI during a vehicle stop? Contact us online or call us at (513) 987-9459!