As a former prosecuting attorney, Steven Adams has the ability to see both sides of an OVI, DUI, or other criminal case in Ohio or Kentucky—including what it takes to get an acquittal. Learn more about the challenges, evidence, and legal factors involved in your criminal defense.
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Breathalyzers & DUI Charges: Beware, the Magic Machine!Cincinnati DUI / OVI Attorney Steven R. Adams discusses law enforcement's use of DUI breath tests, or magic machines.
Pulled Over for DUI? Don’t Fall For Po Po Trickery!Law enforcement officers use anything they can to build a case against you. Don't give them anything by exercising your rights!
What is DUI Blackjack? Steven R. Adams ExplainsCincinnati DUI Attorney Steven R. Adams explains DUI Blackjack and the rights of drivers stopped under suspicion of drunk driving.
Our Attorneys Discuss DUIs & The Holidays On 700WLW PodcastDUIs during the holidays are common. Learn how to protect your rights with the help of Cincinnati DUI Attorney Steven R. Adams.
Our Attorneys Discuss Steve’s Victory In The Ilg Case On 700WLW PodcastCincinnati DUI Defense Lawyer Steven R. Adams was recently successful in arguing a breath test issue for a client charged with DUI/OVI.
Victory Against Breath Test Issue in Ohio Supreme CourtCincinnati DUI Defense Lawyer Steven R. Adams was recently successful in arguing a breath test issue for a client charged with DUI/OVI. Read more here!
16 Reasons Not To Take The DUI Field TestDon't Do the DUI Field Test! Conclusion (Part 6 of 6)
6 Studies That Show Why You Shouldn’t Take The DUI Field TestFind information about refusing DUI field tests and how Cincinnati DUI lawyers can help you! Call to discuss your case and defense!
Some Interesting Changes To The NHTSA’s DUI Testing ManualDon't Do the DUI Field Test! NHTSA Manuals (Part 2 of 6)
Do Not Take the DUI Field Test: Say No No to the Po Po!Find out why it's important to avoid DUI field tests and say no no to the Po Po. Call The Law Offices of Steven R. Adams, LLC if you've been arrested!